Kontakt informationer
  Kontakt informationer  

SAMSON Reguleringsteknik A/S

Blokken 55
3460 Birkerød
Telefon: +45 4581 9301
Fax: +45 4581 9530

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SAMSON Reguleringsteknik A/S

Mirabellevej 11C
8930 Randers NØ
Telefon: +45 8644 8166
Fax: +45 8644 7881

E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Personale Birkerød


Anders Høj

Adm. Direktør

Mobil +45 2134 2005

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Jacob Hemicke


Mobil +45 40 92 95 30

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Bo Hansen

Teknisk chef

Mobil +45 2447 7515

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Michael Werge

Teknisk salgskonsulent

Mobil +45 2028 9302

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Steffen Thomsen

Intern salg

Mobil +45 2883 8519

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Jannie Møgelvang

Internt salg

Mobil +45 2520 7843

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Stig Madsen


Mobil +45 2380 3992

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Christina Højgaard


Mobil +45 2635 5034

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Berit Vang


Mobil +45 4156 2555

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Søren Dam


Mobil +45 2452 5359

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Johnny Bennedbæk


Mobil +45 2380 3993

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Personale Randers

Kristian Larsen

Teknisk salgskonsulent

Sønderjyland og Fyn

Mobil +45 4010 3903

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Jesper Pedersen

Teknisk salgskonsulent

Midt- & Nordjylland

Mobil +45 4010 0681

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Jesper W. Kristensen

Teknisk salgskonsulent

Midt- & Nordjylland

Mobil: +45 5184 6282

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Pia Jensen

Internt salg - Ingeniør

Mobil +45 2520 7845

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Peter Ryer


Mobil +45 2023 9302

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